The Essential Guide to Follow-up Coaching Sessions

As a coach, it's important to stay alert for any changes in the relationship with your client. To ensure success in a follow-up coaching session, review what happened last time and create an agenda for the upcoming session. Ask specific questions to help them delve

The Essential Guide to Follow-up Coaching Sessions

As a coach, it's important to stay alert for any changes in the relationship with your client. To ensure success in a follow-up coaching session, it is essential to review what happened last time and create an agenda for the upcoming session. Being prepared and interested in what the client has to say is key. Listen carefully and be present to pick up on the words they are saying.

To help them delve deeper into the conversation, ask them specific questions: What would you like to discuss today? What is preventing you from addressing that issue? What would you like to change? Asking these questions is important as it allows you to gain insight into potential customers and their needs. Don't forget to ask for references, even if you forget it. If it's been a week or two months, don't hesitate to reach out again and ask who they know that could benefit from your services. The purpose of follow-up coaching does not necessarily mean that additional training sessions are required, although they can be organized if the situation allows for it.

Follow-up calls support ongoing client accountability, continuous integration of learning, and useful evaluation feedback for the coach. The Executive Coaching Certification Program (ECCP) is offered online for 8 months and meets 3 hours a month to maximize your development as an executive coach.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.