Unlocking the Potential of Coaching Tools for Decision Making

Coaching is a powerful tool for helping people make decisions and reach their goals. Learn how understanding learning theories, establishing trust between coach & client, research in training psychology & positive psychology can help.

Unlocking the Potential of Coaching Tools for Decision Making

Coaching is a powerful tool for helping people make decisions and reach their goals. It involves active listening, asking thought-provoking questions, and noticing clues such as body language and vocal tone. Summarizing and paraphrasing the information that customers provide can be very effective in aiding them to analyze their situation. According to Fazel (201), without understanding learning theories, coaching cannot effectively facilitate learning and results.

In a coaching relationship of mutual trust, those who receive the training will trust the process, while the coach, in return, will have confidence in the coach's commitment. Goals and goal setting within the coaching process are an integral part of training effectiveness. If there is no trust, it follows that rapport and trust in the coach will also be affected, as will the effectiveness of the training process. Schmidt (200) suggested that sufficient time should be invested at the beginning of a program to establish transparency about the training process and the responsibilities of each party. Research in the fields of training psychology and positive psychology has grown significantly in recent decades.

These fields focus on improving performance, exploring the positive aspects of human nature, and discovering people's strengths (Passmore, 20). Kemp (200) described coaching as the application of positive psychology, while Seligman (200) suggested that positive psychology is the undeniable theoretical backbone of coaching. Extensive pre-training questionnaires are an efficient way to determine a client's needs and expectations before training and to monitor progress throughout the training process. It is important for coaches to have realistic expectations from the training process and to recognize their own responsibility for progress. Socrates was one of humanity's first recorded trainers; he used dialogue to obtain truth and knowledge.

Testing Your Coaching Skills

There are many methods that can help you assess your coaching skills: surveys, quizzes, scales; they all have the same goal - to let you know what you need to do to take your coaching skills to the next level.

This free worksheet is ideal for coaches who want to introduce reflective journaling into their training practice. Coaching is an invaluable tool for decision making. It requires active listening, asking thought-provoking questions, and noticing clues such as body language and vocal tone. Summarizing and paraphrasing information provided by customers can be very effective in helping them analyze their situation. Additionally, understanding learning theories is essential for successful coaching.

Establishing trust between coach and client is also key for successful training outcomes. Research in training psychology and positive psychology has grown significantly in recent decades, providing coaches with valuable insights into improving performance, exploring positive aspects of human nature, and discovering people's strengths. Pre-training questionnaires are an efficient way to determine a client's needs and expectations before training and to monitor progress throughout the process. Finally, coaches should have realistic expectations from the training process and recognize their own responsibility for progress.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.