Building Confidence Through Coaching: A Guide to Trust Coaching

Trust coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on developing trust and confidence in the client. Learn how trust coaching can help individuals from CEOs to new managers.

Building Confidence Through Coaching: A Guide to Trust Coaching

Coaching is a powerful tool for helping people gain the insight, resilience, and emotional intelligence they need to make tough decisions. It can be used to assist individuals from the CEO looking to decide the future of their business to new managers learning how to manage people. Trust coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on building trust and confidence in the client. Wayne Goldsmith is an experienced performance-focused professional coach who has worked with some of the world's top athletes, coaches, and teams.

He provides a variety of training services for professional coaches, corporate executives, and organizational leaders. Trust coaching is closely related to the comprehensive training model of plan, do, check, act (PDCA). This is because trust is connected to almost every other aspect of life. When coaching someone, it's essential to consider their self-assurance and beliefs about what it means to be a leader.

These could go against the goals they are trying to accomplish and impede the progress of the training. While some coaches may specifically label themselves as trusted coaches, any type of comprehensive coach can help in this area. When coaching someone with confidence, it's important to rely on their knowledge and experience. Encourage them to seek out training and development opportunities and have them share best practices and experiences.

Companies often subsidize coaching as an employee benefit when they know that employees accept coaching. This helps them develop the insight, resilience, and emotional intelligence needed to make wise and difficult decisions.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.