How to Follow Through on Advice from a Responsibility Coach

Learn how to follow through on advice from responsibility coaches by understanding the difference between coaching questions and advice for problem solving, taking ownership of decisions and actions, and thanking the coach.

How to Follow Through on Advice from a Responsibility Coach

It is essential to give positive feedback to other members of the organization based on their efforts and results. Show them that you appreciate their work. If a customer requests your opinion, remember to thank them for being interested in your input. Explain that, as a coach, you don't provide advice.

Instead, help the customer explore resources by collaborating in a brainstorming conversation to generate a list of potential ways to proceed and the types of people who can offer what they need. This list can also include you, either as a layman or as an expert. If you agree to give your opinion as a layman or an expert, hold this conversation in a different place and at a different time than the coaching meeting. Make sure to be very clear that you are responding as an individual person, not in your role as a professional coach. As a boss, your role is to guide and direct your team.

You're not their father or a dictator, so the good news is that it's not your job to force them to do anything. Your job is to provide guidance and assistance and then hold your employees accountable. What your employees decide to do depends on what they decide to do. You can focus on ensuring that you create a positive, healthy environment and on doing everything you can to help your employees succeed.

If you discover that there are things you could improve on (communicate more clearly, ensure a realistic workload, etc.), a coaching counterparty can ask the coach to validate, evaluate, affirm, recommend, give advice, solutions, etc. When it comes to following through on the advice given by a responsibility coach, it is important for the client to understand the difference between coaching questions for client immersion as a coach and advice for problem solving as a consultant. It is also important for the client to agree on different spaces and times within coaching and consulting, different contracts. To make sure that you are following through on the advice given by your responsibility coach, it is essential for you to take ownership of your own decisions and actions. Take time to reflect on what has been discussed during the coaching session and think about how you can apply it in your life. Make sure that you are taking actionable steps towards achieving your goals and objectives.

Finally, don't forget to thank your coach for their guidance and support.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.