Does Coaching Improve Performance? A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Your Potential

Learn how coaching can improve performance, build confidence, foster better relationships, boost motivation, create responsibility in training, and more.

Does Coaching Improve Performance? A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Your Potential

Coaching is a powerful tool that can be used to improve performance, build confidence, and foster better relationships. Studies have shown that coaching not only helps people perform better, but it also boosts overall motivation and commitment to their work. It's an excellent skill that can be used to promote individual responsibility and accountability. Performance coaching is an ongoing process that helps build and maintain effective relationships with employees and supervisors.

Supervisors use their training skills to evaluate and address the development needs of their employees and help them select diverse experiences to acquire the necessary skills. With the support of their trust-based coach, employees understand that, even if they fail to try something new or difficult, their coach will still be there to help them use the failure as an opportunity for learning and personal growth. Organizations must consider how to create responsibility in training by combining positive feedback, identifying and tracking key training metrics, adjusting managers' performance criteria, and even considering training capacity before promoting employees to a management position. Before training an employee, it's important to establish relationships with your staff that are based on trust.

Learning experiences should include “real world examples” of training opportunities and scenarios to help managers practice key training conversations. The path to success includes frequent performance checks and future-focused conversations. Just like the soccer coach gives instructions to his players throughout a game and meets with them to discuss their roles and actions at critical moments, we help managers train team members “in the workflow”.To reinforce the development of training capacity and clarify the expectations of coaches, talent leaders must consider how to create responsibility in training. While it's important that you, as a coach, speak up, you'll also want to encourage the training recipient to ask questions, seek clarity, and provide information. Training is necessary to train the best athletes, as well as prepare organizations for the fast pace and changing nature of work.

Ongoing coaching can better prepare organizations for the fast pace and changing nature of work. With the right approach, coaching can improve growth and performance, as well as promote individual responsibility and accountability.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.