How can working together build one's resilience?

Teams that work well together understand that. They build their own resilience and that of others by creating a psychologically safe environment.

How can working together build one's resilience?

Teams that work well together understand that. They build their own resilience and that of others by creating a psychologically safe environment. This means an environment in which people feel capable of being themselves and talking openly about their feelings, without fear of being judged or of negativity. Start opportunities to strengthen your team's ties.

While it can be a challenge to organize meetings outside of work, make them a priority. Try an escape room, meet for drinks after work, or even participate in team sports together. Allow your team members to get to know each other. These are the opportunities in which team members create the strongest bonds and form a support network that strengthens the resilience of the entire team.

For example, consider a situation where your boss makes an important decision about your department that you don't agree with. Maybe they didn't consult with you first, and you think they should have.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.