How does self responsibility relate to emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence means taking primary responsibility for your own emotions and happiness. You can't say that others “made you feel the way you feel.” While they may be fundamental, the responsibility is yours, just like if you kill someone, there is no argument that someone else forced you to do so.

How does self responsibility relate to emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence means taking primary responsibility for your own emotions and happiness. You can't say that others “made you feel the way you feel.” While they may be fundamental, the responsibility is yours, just like if you kill someone, there is no argument that someone else forced you to do so. Understanding when you should do something yourself is just as important as understanding when something is the responsibility of your team. A leader with a high level of emotional intelligence would avoid the discomfort of imposing their own responsibility on an employee.

Instead, they might decide to thoughtfully organize a similar event to help develop their protégé, but more importantly, it would focus on the benefit of the employee and not the leader. The connection between personal responsibility and emotional intelligence to develop self-awareness and leadership skills. I illustrate a comprehensive approach so that we can progress towards each other's unique goals.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.