What Can You Expect From a Professional Coaching Session?

Coaching can be a powerful tool to help make sense of experience and situation. Learn what to expect from professional coaching sessions.

What Can You Expect From a Professional Coaching Session?

Coaching can be a powerful tool to help you make sense of your experience and situation, create a space to think in a new way, and ask challenging questions to move forward. It can also assist you in dedicating your life to more than just work. After coaching, clients often report an increase in self-confidence, better relationships, improved communication skills, better work performance, a healthier work-life balance, and an overall improvement in how they think about the areas for which they came to coaching. Prior to your first paid coaching session, your coach will likely have a conversation with you to introduce you to the job, the contract and the fees so that you have a clear understanding of the process and the contractual commitment.

During the initial session, you can anticipate the coach to take the initiative and ask you what you would like to discuss and what you would like to have accomplished by the end of the session or training program. Every coach and client are unique, so it goes without saying that no two coaching experiences will be identical. After your first coaching session, expect your coach to help you focus on what you're looking to achieve in the future and offer you a discovery-based process to maximize your potential. If your coach has spent time dismantling layers to get to what's “real”, the training process may take longer and may not be as effective.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.