The Ethical Responsibilities and Duties of Being a Coach

Coaches have a responsibility to show respect for the human rights, integrity, and value of all people. Learn more about the ethical responsibilities and issues for coaches.

The Ethical Responsibilities and Duties of Being a Coach

Coaches have a duty to demonstrate respect for the human rights, integrity, and worth of all individuals. They must be aware that legal and other obligations may create conflicts with the exercise of individual rights to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination, and autonomy. A code of ethics is a tool that provides the minimum standards of conduct expected of coaches as they become professionals. It is a tool to motivate coaches to offer common values and to do their best in their work (Ring, 199).Studies have revealed that there is a delicate relationship between physical education and moral education.

Physical education and athletics programs can help promote and develop sports behaviors, ethical decision-making skills, honesty, and a total curriculum for the development of moral character (Bergman, 2000; Carry, 1998; Sabock, 1985; Singleton, 2003; Stoll, 199). As coaches play an important role in this process, the way they respond to ethical issues has an immense impact on athletes. The Professional Coaches Association of Canada (200) Code of Ethics Principles and Ethics Standards of Training provide guidance on ethical behavior in the area of training. This helps to enhance the public image of training and sports.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.