Coaching Problem-Solving Skills: 10 Tips for Effective Training

This article provides ten tips for effective training in problem-solving skills. Learn how to become a better coach in problem solving and help your clients develop their skills.

Coaching Problem-Solving Skills: 10 Tips for Effective Training

To help students hone their problem-solving skills, it is essential to stop providing the answers. In this article, I will discuss the most effective ways to train and improve problem-solving skills. Most people or organizations rely on a certain technique or style when it comes to problem-solving. This usually involves asking open-ended questions or providing one or two tips.

While this approach can be useful, it is not enough to help people make a fundamental change in their organizational culture. To become a better leader, you need to teach the thinking and methodology behind problem solving, as well as develop your own experience as a coach. In this article, I will provide ten tips that I use when working with organizations on the topic of problem solving and coaching. Firstly, it is important to focus on the desired future reality or vision of the client, rather than just the current reality of the “problem”. This will help the client move forward more easily in their training.

Secondly, it is important to create an environment that encourages exploration and experimentation. This will help the client develop their own solutions and strategies for problem solving. Thirdly, it is important to provide feedback that is both constructive and supportive. This will help the client understand their strengths and weaknesses in problem solving. Fourthly, it is important to provide guidance and support throughout the process.

This will help the client stay motivated and focused on their goals. Fifthly, it is important to encourage collaboration between team members. This will help foster a sense of unity and trust within the team. Sixthly, it is important to provide resources that can help the client learn more about problem solving.

This could include books, articles, videos, or other materials. Seventhly, it is important to create an atmosphere of trust and respect between coach and client. This will help build a strong relationship between them and ensure that they are both working towards the same goal. Eighthly, it is important to be patient with the client and allow them time to process their thoughts and feelings about the problem. Ninthly, it is important to be flexible in your approach and adjust your coaching style according to the needs of the client.

Finally, if you are working with clients who are struggling with connecting with their inner game, Personal Groundwork could be a great tool. By following these tips, you can become a better coach in problem solving and help your clients develop their skills in this area. With patience and dedication, you can help your clients become more successful in their problem-solving endeavors.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.