What helps improve problem solving skills?

Developing a step-by-step execution plan and acting effectively and decisively is the finishing touch in the problem solving process. This is also an important skill, since it doesn't matter how effectively students identify the problem, define its elements, and examine possible solutions; it all comes down to the ability to take concrete steps to implement the action plan.

What helps improve problem solving skills?

Developing a step-by-step execution plan and acting effectively and decisively is the finishing touch in the problem solving process. This is also an important skill, since it doesn't matter how effectively students identify the problem, define its elements, and examine possible solutions; it all comes down to the ability to take concrete steps to implement the action plan. Within this problem solving formula, students must also master skills such as monitoring and evaluating the entire process of implementing the action and, if it is a group initiative, learn to delegate certain parts of the work to each other or to external stakeholders. After ten years in the corporate advertising industry, the idea that “no idea is bad” comes to mind, which contributes to creative thinking in brainstorming sessions and other problem solving techniques.

Kent Gardiner
Kent Gardiner

Hipster-friendly bacon fan. Professional travel advocate. Wannabe social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music guru. General twitter fan.